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Product Focused Software Process Improvement

Acronym: PROFES
DBLP Source: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/profes
Source: CORE2023
Rank: B
Field Of Research: 4612 - Software engineering (h-index) (citation)
Source: CORE2021
Rank: B
Field Of Research: 4612 - Software engineering
Asked stay at B, leave as B (Data 1) (Decision)
Source: CORE2020
Rank: B
Field Of Research: 4612 - Software engineering
Source: CORE2018
Rank: B
Field Of Research: 0803 - Computer Software†
Data provided as a comparator. Somewhat marginal but left as B. (Data 1) (Decision)
Source: CORE2017
Rank: B
Field Of Research: 0803 - Computer Software†
Source: CORE2014
Rank: B
Field Of Research: 0803 - Computer Software†
Source: CORE2013
Rank: B
Field Of Research: 0803 - Computer Software†
Source: ERA2010
Rank: B
Field Of Research: 0803 - Computer Software†
Source: CORE2008
Rank: B
FoR Codes with a may be old and no longer in use

Comments (11)

Average User Rating: 4.2

Welcoming: 5.0
Feedback: 4.9
Networking: 5.0
Interaction: 4.9
Top people: 4.5
Worthwhile: 5.0

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Jedlitschka Andreas wrote: Dec. 14, 2020, 6:41 p.m.
According to feedback from the PROFES community, PROFES is one of the most important conferences for PhD students to submit and discuss their work at the latest stages with established researchers and other PhD students


This conference is welcoming to new attendees such as postgraduate students:
Referees for this conference provide high quality detailed feedback:
The conference program facilitates networking:
There is a culture of interaction and feedback following presentations:
The conference is routinely attended by top people in the area:
Overall, attending this conference is worthwhile:
Pfahl Dietmar wrote: Dec. 14, 2020, 7:12 p.m.
I have participated in many PROFES conferences. In my opinion, it is a solid software engineering conference attracting researchers from Europe (mostly) and worldwide. The quality of the accepted papers is quite high for a conference of its kind. I consider it a good venue for submissions that are just a tiny bit short of the quality expected at top-level conferences like ICSE or ASE or ESEC/FSE. Due to its medium size It's a perfect venue for young researchers and PhD students to get involved in the software engineering community.


Referees for this conference provide high quality detailed feedback:
The conference is routinely attended by top people in the area:
This conference is welcoming to new attendees such as postgraduate students:
The conference program facilitates networking:
There is a culture of interaction and feedback following presentations:
Overall, attending this conference is worthwhile:
Felderer Michael wrote: Dec. 14, 2020, 11:42 p.m.
PROFES is a top-conference on software processes and quality, which puts a high focus on empirical studies performed in or with industry. PROFES has an outstanding culture of discussing results and research methodology and is a top-venue in the respective field of software processes and quality. PROFES promotes a culture of interaction and welcomes new attendees such as PhD students and postgraduates.


This conference is welcoming to new attendees such as postgraduate students:
Referees for this conference provide high quality detailed feedback:
The conference program facilitates networking:
There is a culture of interaction and feedback following presentations:
The conference is routinely attended by top people in the area:
Overall, attending this conference is worthwhile:
Mendez Daniel wrote: Dec. 14, 2020, 11:57 p.m.
PROFES is a internationally recognised venue highly appreciated by the software engineering community of researchers and practitioners. It constitutes a rare platform for both researchers from academia and from industry.


This conference is welcoming to new attendees such as postgraduate students:
Referees for this conference provide high quality detailed feedback:
The conference program facilitates networking:
There is a culture of interaction and feedback following presentations:
The conference is routinely attended by top people in the area:
Overall, attending this conference is worthwhile:
Martínez Fernández Silverio wrote: Dec. 15, 2020, 12:24 a.m.
I have attended the PROFES conference in the last four editions. It is a very good event for both software engineering researchers and practitioners. The day before the conference, there are co-located workshops and tutorials (except in 2020 due to mobility restrictions). I consider PROFES is an excellent event for networking and definitely is welcoming to new attendees. The review process delivers high-quality reviews from at least three experts in software engineering, software processes and quality. For all these reasons, I plan to submit and attend to PROFES in the next years.


This conference is welcoming to new attendees such as postgraduate students:
Referees for this conference provide high quality detailed feedback:
The conference program facilitates networking:
There is a culture of interaction and feedback following presentations:
The conference is routinely attended by top people in the area:
Overall, attending this conference is worthwhile:
Ayala Claudia wrote: Dec. 15, 2020, 2:29 a.m.
PROFES is a highly reputed conference that successfully brings together industry and academia, I think this is one of its strongest points. In addition, given the characteristics of the PROFES community, it attracts PhD students and young researchers to get contact and feedback from consolidated researchers and get involved in the software engineering community. I definitely consider PROFES as a relevant conference in the software engineering area.


This conference is welcoming to new attendees such as postgraduate students:
Referees for this conference provide high quality detailed feedback:
The conference program facilitates networking:
There is a culture of interaction and feedback following presentations:
The conference is routinely attended by top people in the area:
Overall, attending this conference is worthwhile:
Pastor Oscar wrote: Dec. 15, 2020, 3:09 a.m.
PROFES is a relevant scientific venue, with a rigorous reviewing process and a demanding PC membership policy. It provides a valuable, friendly and fruitful forum to both PhD students and senior researchers to share scientific and practical results and going further in the area of software process improvement


This conference is welcoming to new attendees such as postgraduate students:
Referees for this conference provide high quality detailed feedback:
The conference program facilitates networking:
There is a culture of interaction and feedback following presentations:
The conference is routinely attended by top people in the area:
Overall, attending this conference is worthwhile:
Franch Xavier wrote: Dec. 15, 2020, 5:50 a.m.
PROFES is a well-established conference in the SE field. It covers a central research area and has become the meeting point of an open and dynamic community of researchers. The review process is rigurous and meets all established standards, ensuring a quality program. Keynote speakers provide an added value. PROFES is open to new initiatives, as happened lately adding Journal First track and a Project Space serving for additional networking Given all of this, I definitively consider PROFES as one main conference in SE.


This conference is welcoming to new attendees such as postgraduate students:
Referees for this conference provide high quality detailed feedback:
The conference program facilitates networking:
There is a culture of interaction and feedback following presentations:
The conference is routinely attended by top people in the area:
Overall, attending this conference is worthwhile:
Torchiano Marco wrote: Dec. 16, 2020, 12:58 a.m.
PROFES is a relatively small but well respected conference in SE. Reviewing process is sound and the acceptance process allow selecting high level papers. The latest edition was online but still attracted a good a good number of submission. Moreover the conference had a significant participation of industrial participants in the dedicated track and two Journal First presentations.


This conference is welcoming to new attendees such as postgraduate students:
Referees for this conference provide high quality detailed feedback:
The conference program facilitates networking:
There is a culture of interaction and feedback following presentations:
The conference is routinely attended by top people in the area:
Overall, attending this conference is worthwhile:
Melegati Jorge wrote: Dec. 16, 2020, 1:13 a.m.
I am a PhD student and I attended once the conference. The feedback for my paper was very good and useful for further developing my research. I had contact to top researchers in my field there even though it is a medium-sized conference. Looking forward to attend the conference again once things come back to normal.


This conference is welcoming to new attendees such as postgraduate students:
Referees for this conference provide high quality detailed feedback:
The conference program facilitates networking:
There is a culture of interaction and feedback following presentations:
The conference is routinely attended by top people in the area:
Overall, attending this conference is worthwhile:
Oivo Markku wrote: Dec. 22, 2020, 3:55 a.m.
I have participated in numerous PROFES conferences starting from the first conference. PROFES is a high quality software engineering conference. It regularly attracts both well-known senior researchers as well as PhD students. It has been an important venue for numerous PhD students to publish papers for their PhD theses. PROFES has always had a strong international programme committee, top researchers in the chair positions and high profile keynote speakers. The scientific peer review process has been followed meticulously. PROFES also attracts industrial participants in co-located events and this is important to software engineering researchers.


This conference is welcoming to new attendees such as postgraduate students:
Referees for this conference provide high quality detailed feedback:
The conference program facilitates networking:
There is a culture of interaction and feedback following presentations:
The conference is routinely attended by top people in the area:
Overall, attending this conference is worthwhile:

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