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Symposium on Networked Systems, Design and Implementation

Acronym: NSDI
DBLP Source: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/nsdi
Source: CORE2023
Rank: National: USA
Field Of Research: 4606 - Distributed computing and systems software (h-index) (citation)
Source: CORE2021
Rank: National: USA
Field Of Research: 4606 - Distributed computing and systems software
Source: CORE2020
Rank: National: USA
Field Of Research: 4606 - Distributed computing and systems software
CORE does not generally rank conferences held in a single country or region. See CORE website for details.
Source: CORE2018
Rank: B
Field Of Research: 0805 - Distributed Computing†
Source: CORE2017
Rank: B
Field Of Research: 0805 - Distributed Computing†
Source: CORE2014
Rank: B
Field Of Research: 0805 - Distributed Computing†
Source: CORE2013
Rank: B
Field Of Research: 0805 - Distributed Computing†
Source: ERA2010
Rank: B
Field Of Research: 0805 - Distributed Computing†
Source: CORE2008
Rank: A
FoR Codes with a may be old and no longer in use

Comments (9)

Average User Rating: 5.0

Welcoming: 4.9
Feedback: 5.0
Networking: 4.9
Interaction: 4.9
Top people: 5.0
Worthwhile: 5.0

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Fred Douglis wrote: Jan. 9, 2016, 5:39 a.m.
I think NSDI is a top conference. Perhaps if you regard SIGCOMM as the flagship networking conference, NSDI should only be A and not A*, but I would have given it A*. Certainly it is not a B.


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Jeongseok Son wrote: Aug. 5, 2016, 11:52 a.m.
Agree with Douglis. NSDI is well regarded as a top-tier conference among networking people in CS. Since this website ranks INFOCOM and CoNEXT as A conferences, I think NSDI should be given A* in accordance with the relative reputation in academia.


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Bao Wei wrote: Feb. 24, 2017, 11:15 a.m.
This should definitely be an A* conference.


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Davide Frey wrote: March 3, 2017, 5:16 a.m.
I agree with the others. Definitely an A* in my opinion.


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Michael Sirivianos wrote: Sept. 16, 2017, 8:57 p.m.
NSDI is definitely an A* conference. Networking and Networked Systems Researchers submit to either NSDI or SIGCOMM depending on the dates their work is completed and rarely they make a noticeable rank distinction between the two. It is also quite common for high quality papers rejected in NSDI or SIGCOMM to be resubmitted with improvements to SIGCOMM or NSDI. Also, it should be named USENIX Networked Systems Design and Implementation.


This conference is welcoming to new attendees such as postgraduate students:
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The conference is routinely attended by top people in the area:
Overall, attending this conference is worthwhile:
Ramos Fernando wrote: Nov. 25, 2020, 9:29 p.m.
SIGCOMM and NSDI are by far the best conferences in networking, so they should both be CORE A*. The top CS "elite" ranking includes only these two conferences for computer networks: http://csrankings.org/#/index?all.


This conference is welcoming to new attendees such as postgraduate students:
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The conference is routinely attended by top people in the area:
Overall, attending this conference is worthwhile:
Riviere Etienne wrote: Feb. 18, 2021, 10:32 p.m.
This is without any doubt an A or A* conference, certainly not a B. Edit following the 2020 update: I cannot understand the decision to consider this conference as a 'regional conference'. CORE already ranks other USENIX conferences held in the USA or Canada (e.g. ATC, Security, OSDI, ...) as A or A* and does not seem to consider their location as an issue.


This conference is welcoming to new attendees such as postgraduate students:
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The conference is routinely attended by top people in the area:
Overall, attending this conference is worthwhile:
Fu Xiaoming wrote: May 29, 2023, 11:58 p.m.
It's rather weird not ranking NSDI as A++ due to the USA being the country of holding the conference.


This conference is welcoming to new attendees such as postgraduate students:
Referees for this conference provide high quality detailed feedback:
The conference program facilitates networking:
There is a culture of interaction and feedback following presentations:
The conference is routinely attended by top people in the area:
Overall, attending this conference is worthwhile:
Barcellos Marinho wrote: May 29, 2024, 9:40 a.m.
NSDI is at the same level as SIGCOMM. Michael summarized the community’s view. NSDI may happen in the US, but it is not an American conference. See the program and the committee.


This conference is welcoming to new attendees such as postgraduate students:
Referees for this conference provide high quality detailed feedback:
The conference program facilitates networking:
There is a culture of interaction and feedback following presentations:
The conference is routinely attended by top people in the area:
Overall, attending this conference is worthwhile:

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