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International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems

Acronym: SEAMS
DBLP Source: https://dblp.org/db/conf/seams
Source: CORE2023
Rank: A
Field Of Research: 4612 - Software engineering (h-index) (citation)
Source: CORE2021
Rank: A
Field Of Research: 4612 - Software engineering
Asked for A, add ranked as A (Data 1) (Decision)
FoR Codes with a may be old and no longer in use

Comments (2)

Average User Rating: 2.0

Welcoming: 1.5
Feedback: 1.5
Networking: 1.5
Interaction: 1.5
Top people: 1.0
Worthwhile: 1.0

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Loh Adrian wrote: July 9, 2021, 4:02 a.m.
I am surprised that this conference is ranked as A. The conference submissions are of low-quality with many surveys, big idea types paper with poorly evaluation. The low number of submissions also suggest that it is not a prestigious publication venue. I have followed most of the works published (and also have 3+ papers published in this venue) in SEAMS and have to say most of the paper would have difficulties getting accepted in decent SE conferences like ICSE, ASE and FSE. This conference IMHO should be ranked as C.


This conference is welcoming to new attendees such as postgraduate students:
Referees for this conference provide high quality detailed feedback:
The conference program facilitates networking:
There is a culture of interaction and feedback following presentations:
The conference is routinely attended by top people in the area:
Overall, attending this conference is worthwhile:
Weyns Danny wrote: Sept. 7, 2021, 6:16 p.m.
This comment is a response to the comment posted by Loh Adrian on July 9, 2021. The SEAMS community has always welcomed constructive comments. We constantly seek opinions from participants and the community at large, and we regularly run questionnaires seeking feedback to improve the delivery of SEAMS. Needless to say that we were very surprised by Loh Adrian's comment. We would like to engage with Loh Adrian for a fruitful discussion, but despite Loh Adrian's claim to have "3+ papers published in this venue," we do not know who "Loh Adrian" is because there is no trace of a person with this name on SEAMS records, nor on the wider Internet. Any constructive reflection or feedback from genuine researchers is always appreciated, and we are glad that SEAMS has been compared to ICSE, FSE and ASE since these are well-established conferences ranked A* on CORE. SEAMS aims higher, and perhaps in the future SEAMS may join these conferences as a top-ranked conference. In the meantime, SEAMS will strive to continue attracting high quality contributions, welcoming new attendees, involving esteemed participants, and promoting a constructive culture of interaction and feedback. Danny Weyns, Chair of SEAMS Steering Committee.

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