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International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (previously the International Conference on Multiagent Systems, ICMAS, changed in 2000)

Acronym: AAMAS
DBLP Source: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/ifaamas
Source: CORE2023
Rank: A*
Field Of Research: 4602 - Artificial intelligence (h-index) (citation)
Source: CORE2021
Rank: A*
Field Of Research: 4602 - Artificial intelligence
Source: CORE2020
Rank: A*
Field Of Research: 4602 - Artificial intelligence
Source: CORE2018
Rank: A*
Field Of Research: 0801 - Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing†
Data provided as a comparator. Leave as A*. (Data 1) (Decision)
Source: CORE2017
Rank: A*
Field Of Research: 0801 - Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing†
Source: CORE2014
Rank: A*
Field Of Research: 0801 - Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing†
Source: CORE2013
Rank: A*
Field Of Research: 0801 - Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing†
Source: ERA2010
Rank: A
Field Of Research: 0801 - Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing†
Source: CORE2008
Rank: A*
FoR Codes with a may be old and no longer in use

Comments (2)

Average User Rating: 5.0

Welcoming: N/A
Feedback: 5.0
Networking: 5.0
Interaction: 4.0
Top people: 5.0
Worthwhile: 5.0

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Michael Winikoff wrote: Jan. 20, 2014, 8:35 a.m.
I can't comment really on how welcoming AAMAS is to newcomers, although it does have a doctoral consortium and poster session. In my experience, AAMAS has one of the best refereeing processes (with PCs overseen by an SPC, and a rebuttal opportunity to authors), and the reviews are almost always high quality. All papers (both short and full) have posters, and this facilitates networking. This is the top, peak conference and is absolutely attended by the top people in the field. Disclosure: I was co-programme chair for AAMAS in 2012.


Referees for this conference provide high quality detailed feedback:
The conference program facilitates networking:
There is a culture of interaction and feedback following presentations:
The conference is routinely attended by top people in the area:
Overall, attending this conference is worthwhile:
??? wrote: Oct. 18, 2016, 6:35 p.m.

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