Only 2nd SoftEng in A* list. Quantitative: A fair distance from the other Soft Eng, but good SNIP ahtough not so good SJR. Q2 since 2016. Qualitative: good Unis in the editorial board, top SE researchers. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology compiled by Steve MacDonell ( on Sept 19, 2019 Editorial Board Name Affiliation H-Index Citation count Michael R. Lyu Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong 86 32436 Gregg Rothermel University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA 71 19368 Massimiliano Di Penta Universitˆ degli Studi del Sannio, Italy 65 14448 Christian KŠstner Carnegie Mellon University, USA 56 10119 Paolo Tonella Universitˆ della Svizzera italiana, Switzerland 55 9731 Tim Menzies North Carolina State University, USA 54 12070 Abhik Roychoudhury National University of Singapore, Singapore 44 6003 Tevfik Bultan University of California, Santa Barbara, USA 43 6237 Sam Malek University of California, Irvine, USA 41 6706 Atanas Rountev Ohio State University, USA 41 4956 Jin Song Dong National University of Singapore, Singapore 40 7341 Antonia Bertolino Area della Ricerca di Pisa, Italy 39 6009 Yannis Smaragdakis University of Athens, Greece 39 6758 Mauro Pezz (EiC) Universitˆ della Svizzera italiana, Switzerland 37 6959 Elisabetta Di Nitto Politecnico di Milano, Italy 33 5658 Vittorio Cortellessa Universitˆ degli Studi dell'Aquila, Italy 29 2837 Shin Yoo KAIST, Republic of Korea 27 3733 Travis Breaux Carnegie Mellon University, USA 24 2221 Federica Sarro University College London, UK 23 1693 Cristian Cadar Imperial College London, UK 22 6936 averages -> 43 8611 List of SWENG experts (for consistency copied from PK) Name Affiliation Country DBLP name H-index Citation count John Mylopoulos UoOttawa CA John Mylopoulos 89 39651 Barbara Kitchenham Keele UK Barbara A. Kitchenham 74 30482 Lionel Briand Luxemburg LU Lionel C. Briand 78 27011 Bertrand Meyer ZŸrich FR Bertrand Meyer 0001 56 26588 Mark Harman Facebook UK Mark Harman 81 25109 Rick Kazman Hawaii US Rick Kazman 52 21558 Jim Herbsleb CMU US James D. Herbsleb 60 19956 Helen Sharp OPenU UK Helen Sharp 42 19644 Gregg Rothermel University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA EdBrd Gregg Rothermel 71 19334 Jeff Offutt GMU US A. Jefferson Offutt 64 18332 Jan Bosch Chalmers SE Jan Bosch 58 17908 Eric Yu UoT CA Eric S. K. Yu 57 17684 Nenad Medvidovic USC US Nenad Medvidovic 56 16773 Michael D Ernst UofW US Michael Ernst 62 16717 William Griswold UCSD US William G. Griswold 46 16396 Andreas Zeller Saarbrucken DE Andreas Zeller 57 15860 Anthony Finkelstein London UK Anthony Finkelstein 60 15757 Gail Murphy UBC CA Gail C. Murphy 59 14908 Tom Zimmermann Microsoft US Thomas Zimmermann 60 14794 Laurie Williams N.C. US Laurie A. Williams 61 14713 Klaus Pohl Duisburg DE Klaus Pohl 49 14509 Massimiliano Di Penta Universitˆ degli Studi del Sannio, Italy EdBrd Massimiliano Di Penta 65 14414 Bashar Nuseibeh OPenU UK Bashar Nuseibeh 56 14373 Arie van Deursen Delft U NL Arie van Deursen 57 13711 Elaine Weyuker Malardalen SE Elaine J. Weyuker 50 13468 Brian Fitzgerald LERO IR Brian Fitzgerald 0001 53 12978 Manfred Broy TUM DE Manfred Broy 55 12654 Audris Mockus Tenn. US Audris Mockus 47 12128 Tim Menzies North Carolina State University, USA EdBrd Tim Menzies 54 12034 Nachiappan Nagappan Microsoft US Nachiappan Nagappan 51 11461 Tore DybŒ SINTEF NO Tore DybŒ 46 11331 Jean-Marc JŽzŽquel Rennes FR Jean-Marc JŽzŽquel 54 10839 Gail Kaiser Columbia US Gail E. Kaiser 52 10513 Matthew Dwyer U Virginia US Matthew B. Dwyer 48 10332 Alessandro Orso GeorgiaTech US Alessandro Orso 54 9461 John Grundy Monash AU John C. Grundy 51 8542 Sebastian Elbaum Nebr. US Sebastian G. Elbaum 44 8431 averages -> 58 16496 WPP (short story) Journal # pubs by # of 36 experts 1. self archiving 196 26 2. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. (tse) 130 24 3. IEEE Software (software) 71 24 4. Journal of Systems and Software (jss) 70 22 5. Information & Software Technology (infsof) 84 20 6. Empirical Software Engineering (ese) 72 19 7. ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. (tosem) 40 13 8. IEEE Computer (computer) 29 12 9. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes (sigsoft) 15 12 10. Softw., Pract. Exper. (spe) 13 11 WPP (long story) Journals that published the following experts: Lionel C. Briand, Nachiappan Nagappan, Jean-Marc JŽzŽquel, Matthew B. Dwyer, Manfred Broy, John C. Grundy, Mark Harman, Eric S. K. Yu, John Mylopoulos, Tim Menzies, Jan Bosch, William G. Griswold, Rick Kazman, Gregg Rothermel, Barbara A. Kitchenham, Nenad Medvidovic, Anthony Finkelstein, Brian Fitzgerald 0001, Elaine J. Weyuker, Andreas Zeller, James D. Herbsleb, Gail E. Kaiser, Bashar Nuseibeh, Bertrand Meyer 0001, A. Jefferson Offutt, Laurie A. Williams, Alessandro Orso, Klaus Pohl, Gail C. Murphy, Tore DybŒ, Helen Sharp, Michael Ernst, Sebastian G. Elbaum, Audris Mockus, Thomas Zimmermann, Massimiliano Di Penta Ranking order is first by number of the above people publishing in the venue, then by number of their publications 1. CoRR (corr) ______________ This journal was published at 196 times by 26 of 36 experts in the last 12 years. The experts that publish at this journal are: Lionel C. Briand(7), Matthew B. Dwyer(2), Manfred Broy(8), Mark Harman(6), John Mylopoulos(10), Massimiliano Di Penta(6), Jan Bosch(1), Rick Kazman(2), Tore DybŒ(1), Gregg Rothermel(1), John C. Grundy(12), Nenad Medvidovic(4), Anthony Finkelstein(1), Andreas Zeller(9), James D. Herbsleb(2), Gail E. Kaiser(2), Bashar Nuseibeh(6), Bertrand Meyer 0001(39), Alessandro Orso(5), Klaus Pohl(1), Gail C. Murphy(2), Jean-Marc JŽzŽquel(6), Michael Ernst(2), Sebastian G. Elbaum(1), Audris Mockus(4), Tim Menzies(59) 2. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. (tse) __________________________________ This journal was published at 130 times by 24 of 36 experts in the last 12 years. The experts that publish at this journal are: Lionel C. Briand(12), Nachiappan Nagappan(5), Matthew B. Dwyer(7), John C. Grundy(4), Mark Harman(14), Tim Menzies(13), Audris Mockus(6), Massimiliano Di Penta(11), Rick Kazman(2), Tore DybŒ(5), Gregg Rothermel(2), Barbara A. Kitchenham(4), Nenad Medvidovic(5), Anthony Finkelstein(1), Brian Fitzgerald 0001(3), Andreas Zeller(8), James D. Herbsleb(2), Bashar Nuseibeh(17), Bertrand Meyer 0001(2), Alessandro Orso(3), Gail C. Murphy(6), Jean-Marc JŽzŽquel(2), Sebastian G. Elbaum(3), Helen Sharp(1) 3. IEEE Software (software) ___________________________ This journal was published at 71 times by 24 of 36 experts in the last 12 years. The experts that publish at this journal are: Lionel C. Briand(4), Nachiappan Nagappan(2), Audris Mockus(3), Manfred Broy(1), John C. Grundy(2), Mark Harman(1), Tim Menzies(9), Jan Bosch(8), William G. Griswold(1), Rick Kazman(7), Tore DybŒ(8), Barbara A. Kitchenham(1), Nenad Medvidovic(4), Brian Fitzgerald 0001(3), Elaine J. Weyuker(1), Andreas Zeller(1), James D. Herbsleb(4), Gail E. Kaiser(1), Bashar Nuseibeh(2), Bertrand Meyer 0001(2), Gail C. Murphy(2), Jean-Marc JŽzŽquel(1), Helen Sharp(6), Massimiliano Di Penta(2) 4. Journal of Systems and Software (jss) ________________________________________ This journal was published at 70 times by 22 of 36 experts in the last 12 years. The experts that publish at this journal are: Lionel C. Briand(6), Matthew B. Dwyer(1), Manfred Broy(1), Barbara A. Kitchenham(5), Mark Harman(11), Tim Menzies(1), Jan Bosch(14), Rick Kazman(2), Tore DybŒ(3), Gregg Rothermel(2), John C. Grundy(2), Nenad Medvidovic(4), Brian Fitzgerald 0001(2), Elaine J. Weyuker(3), Gail E. Kaiser(1), Bashar Nuseibeh(2), Bertrand Meyer 0001(1), Klaus Pohl(1), Gail C. Murphy(1), Jean-Marc JŽzŽquel(1), Sebastian G. Elbaum(3), Massimiliano Di Penta(5) 5. Information & Software Technology (infsof) _____________________________________________ This journal was published at 84 times by 20 of 36 experts in the last 12 years. The experts that publish at this journal are: Lionel C. Briand(16), Laurie A. Williams(2), Barbara A. Kitchenham(9), Nenad Medvidovic(1), Gail C. Murphy(1), Anthony Finkelstein(3), Tim Menzies(9), Jan Bosch(6), Massimiliano Di Penta(5), Brian Fitzgerald 0001(1), John C. Grundy(1), Mark Harman(9), Sebastian G. Elbaum(3), Tore DybŒ(10), Jean-Marc JŽzŽquel(2), Eric S. K. Yu(1), Gregg Rothermel(2), Bertrand Meyer 0001(1), Helen Sharp(5), A. Jefferson Offutt(1) 6. Empirical Software Engineering (ese) _______________________________________ This journal was published at 72 times by 19 of 36 experts in the last 12 years. The experts that publish at this journal are: Lionel C. Briand(11), John Mylopoulos(1), Nachiappan Nagappan(3), Barbara A. Kitchenham(8), Nenad Medvidovic(1), Sebastian G. Elbaum(1), Jan Bosch(1), Audris Mockus(3), Tim Menzies(10), Matthew B. Dwyer(1), Helen Sharp(1), Elaine J. Weyuker(4), Andreas Zeller(1), Mark Harman(3), Rick Kazman(1), Tore DybŒ(2), Bertrand Meyer 0001(1), Massimiliano Di Penta(18), Gail C. Murphy(1) 7. ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. (tosem) ___________________________________________ This journal was published at 40 times by 13 of 36 experts in the last 12 years. The experts that publish at this journal are: Lionel C. Briand(11), Alessandro Orso(1), Gail C. Murphy(4), Audris Mockus(1), Massimiliano Di Penta(1), Matthew B. Dwyer(3), Manfred Broy(1), Brian Fitzgerald 0001(4), William G. Griswold(2), Mark Harman(8), Sebastian G. Elbaum(3), Gregg Rothermel(1), Helen Sharp(1) 8. IEEE Computer (computer) ___________________________ This journal was published at 29 times by 12 of 36 experts in the last 12 years. The experts that publish at this journal are: Nenad Medvidovic(1), Matthew B. Dwyer(1), Tim Menzies(2), Jan Bosch(4), Manfred Broy(6), Jean-Marc JŽzŽquel(2), Brian Fitzgerald 0001(2), William G. Griswold(1), Mark Harman(1), Rick Kazman(3), Bashar Nuseibeh(4), Bertrand Meyer 0001(2) 9. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes (sigsoft) ___________________________________________________ This journal was published at 15 times by 12 of 36 experts in the last 12 years. The experts that publish at this journal are: John Mylopoulos(1), Nachiappan Nagappan(1), John C. Grundy(1), Nenad Medvidovic(1), Sebastian G. Elbaum(3), Matthew B. Dwyer(1), Tim Menzies(1), Alessandro Orso(1), Rick Kazman(2), Gail E. Kaiser(2), Eric S. K. Yu(1), Helen Sharp(2) 10. Softw., Pract. Exper. (spe) _______________________________ This journal was published at 13 times by 11 of 36 experts in the last 12 years. The experts that publish at this journal are: John Mylopoulos(1), Alessandro Orso(1), Barbara A. Kitchenham(1), Nenad Medvidovic(1), Tim Menzies(1), Massimiliano Di Penta(1), Jan Bosch(3), John C. Grundy(2), Mark Harman(1), Bashar Nuseibeh(1), Helen Sharp(1) 11. Commun. ACM (cacm) ______________________ This journal was published at 20 times by 10 of 36 experts in the last 12 years. The experts that publish at this journal are: James D. Herbsleb(2), Nachiappan Nagappan(1), Gail C. Murphy(1), Massimiliano Di Penta(1), Brian Fitzgerald 0001(1), Elaine J. Weyuker(1), Andreas Zeller(1), Mark Harman(1), Rick Kazman(2), Bertrand Meyer 0001(9) 12. Requir. Eng. (re) _____________________ This journal was published at 23 times by 9 of 36 experts in the last 12 years. The experts that publish at this journal are: Lionel C. Briand(2), John Mylopoulos(10), Bashar Nuseibeh(2), Anthony Finkelstein(2), Brian Fitzgerald 0001(1), Mark Harman(1), Eric S. K. Yu(3), Klaus Pohl(2), Helen Sharp(1) 13. Sci. Comput. Program. (scp) _______________________________ This journal was published at 14 times by 9 of 36 experts in the last 12 years. The experts that publish at this journal are: Nenad Medvidovic(1), Gail C. Murphy(1), Massimiliano Di Penta(1), Jan Bosch(3), Manfred Broy(3), Brian Fitzgerald 0001(1), Rick Kazman(1), Klaus Pohl(1), Bertrand Meyer 0001(2) 14. Softw. Test., Verif. Reliab. (stvr) _______________________________________ This journal was published at 25 times by 8 of 36 experts in the last 12 years. The experts that publish at this journal are: Lionel C. Briand(4), Alessandro Orso(3), Massimiliano Di Penta(1), Andreas Zeller(2), Mark Harman(9), Sebastian G. Elbaum(1), Gregg Rothermel(6), Bertrand Meyer 0001(1) 15. Autom. Softw. Eng. (ase) ____________________________ This journal was published at 23 times by 8 of 36 experts in the last 12 years. The experts that publish at this journal are: John Mylopoulos(2), Alessandro Orso(1), John C. Grundy(3), Tim Menzies(12), Andreas Zeller(2), Mark Harman(1), Klaus Pohl(1), Bashar Nuseibeh(1) 16. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process (smr) ____________________________________________________ This journal was published at 20 times by 7 of 36 experts in the last 12 years. The experts that publish at this journal are: Barbara A. Kitchenham(1), Massimiliano Di Penta(8), Jan Bosch(8), Jean-Marc JŽzŽquel(1), Mark Harman(1), James D. Herbsleb(1), Tim Menzies(1) 17. Dagstuhl Reports (dagstuhl-reports) _______________________________________ This journal was published at 11 times by 7 of 36 experts in the last 12 years. The experts that publish at this journal are: Gail C. Murphy(2), Anthony Finkelstein(1), Tim Menzies(1), Jan Bosch(1), Jean-Marc JŽzŽquel(1), Andreas Zeller(4), William G. Griswold(1) 18. Software and Systems Modeling (sosym) _________________________________________ This journal was published at 27 times by 6 of 36 experts in the last 12 years. The experts that publish at this journal are: Lionel C. Briand(10), John Mylopoulos(2), Matthew B. Dwyer(1), Manfred Broy(5), Jean-Marc JŽzŽquel(9), Eric S. K. Yu(1) 19. IET Software (iee) ______________________ This journal was published at 9 times by 6 of 36 experts in the last 12 years. The experts that publish at this journal are: John Mylopoulos(1), Barbara A. Kitchenham(3), Matthew B. Dwyer(1), Anthony Finkelstein(2), Massimiliano Di Penta(1), Elaine J. Weyuker(1) 20. Software Quality Journal (sqj) __________________________________ This journal was published at 7 times by 6 of 36 experts in the last 12 years. The experts that publish at this journal are: John C. Grundy(1), Tim Menzies(1), Jean-Marc JŽzŽquel(1), Mark Harman(2), Rick Kazman(1), Massimiliano Di Penta(1) 21. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (ijseke) ____________________________________________________________________________________ This journal was published at 6 times by 4 of 36 experts in the last 12 years.